15 Things ‘Emily in Paris’ Got Wrong About Paris and Parisians

The series “Emily in Paris” has provoked many debates since its release, captivating the viewers with its idyllic and romanticized view of Parisian life. However, it has portrayed many clichés and exaggerations that paint a picture that is often far removed from the day-to-day reality of Parisian life.


1. Everyone is a fluent English speaker

In “Emily in Paris” it seems like every single Parisian speaks irreproachable English, making the language barrier inexistent for Emily.

In reality, even though many Parisians have a good understanding of English, it’s not common to meet as many native speakers as this on every street corner.

This cliche significantly simplifies the challenges that an expatriate can face.

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2. The apartments in Paris are very big

apartment in Emily in Paris
Carolyne Loth / Pinterest

In “Emily in Paris,” the apartments are always spacious and bright, challenging the reality of the cramped quarters often encountered in Paris.

This cliché embellishes the actual Parisian real estate market, where finding a big and affordable apartment isn’t that easy.


3. The Parisians are always nice and welcoming

The series portrays Parisians as warm and always ready to help Emily, despite her cultural awkwardness.

In truth, Parisians can be just as varied in their behavior as the inhabitants of any big city, with some friendly and others less so.

This cliché romanticizes the welcome given to foreigners.


4. Emily never uses the metro

Emily seems unaware of the Paris metro’s existence, preferring to get around by cab or on foot.

This cliché overlooks the fact that the metro is one of the most convenient means of transport, commonly used by Parisians to get around the city.


5. Work comes after wine glasses and parties

aperitif in Emily in Paris

The series gives the impression that working in Paris is all about drinking wine and attending glamorous parties.

Yes, afterwork parties do exist, but this cliché exaggerates the festive dimension of Parisian life, minimizing the effort and seriousness that professionals put into their daily work.


6. Parisian bridges are never too busy

Emily often crosses deserted Paris bridges, offering a picturesque and tranquil view.

This cliché ignores the fact that Parisian bridges, especially those with the best views, are frequently crowded with tourists and locals.


7. All Parisians are fashionists

fashion in Emily in Paris

The series depicts Parisians as fashion icons, always impeccably dressed.

In reality, although Paris is a fashion capital, styles of dress vary enormously, and not everyone is always dressed to the nines.


8. You never have to wait for a cab

Emily never has trouble finding a cab immediately, no matter the time or place.

In reality, waiting for a cab can sometimes be a struggle, especially during rush hour or in bad weather.


9. Emily never has trouble finding a place to park

Emily always seems to find parking spaces easily in a city known to be difficult for parking.

This cliché makes finding parking in Paris, a very real challenge for local drivers, a whole lot easier.


10. Deliveries are never late

In “Emily in Paris,” deliveries of all kinds always arrive on time, without a hitch.

This cliché doesn’t take into account the many delays and unexpected incidents that can affect delivery services, even in a city as well-organized as Paris.


11. The streets are always clean

a clean street in Emily in Paris

In the series, the streets of the capital are always impeccably clean, without a single piece of garbage or dog waste in sight. This idyllic image contrasts sharply with reality.

Indeed, it’s common to see litter and dog droppings on Parisian streets, unfortunately left behind by negligent owners.

This representation embellishes urban reality. As in any large metropolis, Paris has its share of dirt and requires frequent clean-ups. City services work tirelessly to maintain cleanliness, but it’s impossible to keep every street spotless at all times.


12. Cars never honk

The series shows calm, silent traffic, without the usual sounds of horns and engines.

In reality,noisy traffic is an integral part of life in a big city like Paris, especially during rush hour.


13. Offices are always stylishly decorated

Emily's office in Emlily in Paris

The workplaces in “Emily in Paris” are always elegant and at the cutting edge of design.

In Paris, not all offices resemble design studios, and some are more functional than stylish.


14. Emily doesn’t come across any tourists

Emily seems to have Paris all to herself, never encountering hordes of tourists, especially as she often wanders through touristy areas.

This cliché ignores the reality of Paris as one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations, reaching 47.5 million visitors in 2023.


15. Emily always finds a free table in restaurants, even during peak periods.

café Marly in Emily in Paris

Emily never has a problem finding a table in the most popular restaurants, even without a reservation,in the middle of rush hour.

In fact, getting a table in a popular Parisian restaurant (like the café Marly in the photo) often requires a reservation in advance, especially during peak times.