The 9 Coolest and Quirkiest Movie Theaters in Paris

You want to see the latest movie but you’re sort of tired of visiting the same old theaters? A change is gonna come. I’ve listed 10 unusual and astounding movie theaters you’ll find in Paris.

First and foremost, here are where they’re located on the map:


Le Grand Rex

1 boulevard Poissonnière, 75002 Paris


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Le Grand Rex is Paris’s emblematic movie theater.

The gilded balconies, the red armchairs and the large screen are going to give you life.

In Le Grand Rex, they master stagecraft to perfection: lots of premieres and shows are hosted in this astounding movie theater.

You’re definitely not about to forget such an amazing experience in France’s greatest theater.

The little extra: the great room that will give you the impression to be at the opera.

Price: from €7 to €12



Le Louxor

170 boulevard de Magenta, 75010 Paris

Le Louxor
Photo credits: under Creative Commons 2.0

Built in 1921, the Louxor movie theater is an architectural gem.

Covered with mosaic and Egyptian patterns, the Louxor reminds us of pharaohs’ palaces. For that reason, visitors that come in experience a change of scenery.

Have a taste of what France was like during the Roaring Twenties by watching a movie in the Youssef Chahine room.

The only screening room of the Louxor can contain 1,200 seats which will leave you a lasting impression.

The little extra: its unique decor that reminds us of Ancient Egypt.

Price: from €6 to €11,50

Website (in French)


Le Max Linder

24 boulevard Poissonnière, 75009 Paris


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Une publication partagée par Ludovic (@sycomore11)

The most interesting thing in the Max Linder is its screening room.

What about it? The 3 layers the room is divided in: the orchestra, the first balcony and the balcony.

But no matter where you’re seated, quality won’t be lacking.

The place has been able to keep up with the numerous changes of the movie industry in terms of equipment.

Many celebrities have visited the all black screening room: Francis Coppola, David Lynch, to quote but a few.

To put it in a nutshell, going to the Max Linder is discovering a historical monument that is part of France’s cultural heritage.

The little extra: a movie theater which harbors state-of-the-art equipment in a historical building.

Price: from €5,50 to €12,50

Website (in French)


La Péniche Cinéma

59 boulevard MacDonald, 75019 Paris

Please come aboard the Péniche Cinéma and sail away for new cinematic adventures.

Hotspot for short movies, this floating movie theater offers a variety of works in a desire to show the public an art so often put aside.

With a very eclectic program, La Péniche is able to accommodate the preferences of each and every one of you: between ciné-concerts and training courses for children, the theater is rewriting the rules of cinema.

The little extra: its location and its program dedicated to short movies.

Price: from €8 to €15

Website (in French)



Anywhere in France

Ciné-ma différence is not your typical movie theater, because it’s simply not a movie theater.

What we have here is an organization which sets up screenings adapted to disabled people. It means that everything is intended for the comfort of the public, no matter their disability: there is a warm welcome, reduced sound, no ads, no compulsory silence…

You’re interested? Check out the next screening in your nearest movie theater.

The little extra: allowing people with disabilities to enjoy movie theaters as much as non-disabled people do.


Aéroville Pathé Cinema

30 rue des buissons, 95700 Roissy


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Une publication partagée par Andéol Demeulenaere (@andeol)

If the only thing that crosses your mind when someone asks you to go to the movies is the tight rows of uncomfortable seats that prevent you from stretching your legs, I’ve found the right place for you.

Forget all you know about usual theaters, in the Aéroville Pathé, comfort is put at the heart of the audience’s experience.

You’ll be able to stretch out on sofas or sink into spongy armchairs. There’s something for everyone.

The little extra: a screening which is even better than at home.

Price: from €9.50 to €16.60 for a screening on the sofas, around €30 to enjoy the VIP top-end seats.

Website (in French)


Club 13

15 avenue Hoche, 75008 Paris


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Une publication partagée par @maisonsarahlavoine

The Club 13 is an iconic place of the movie industry: the greatest stars entered it: Charlie Chaplin, Stanley Kubrick, Martin Scorsese…

This restaurant can count on two screening rooms which hosted many premieres and meetings, whether personal or professional.

Hesitate no more, their incredibly comfortable seats are awaiting you.

The little extra: two private screening rooms for a tailored event.

Price: from €1,430 the private screening.

Website (in French)



7 rue Francis de Pressensé, 75014 Paris


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Une publication partagée par L’Entrepôt (@lentrepotparis)


Une publication partagée par L’Entrepôt (@entrepot_paris)

L’Entrepôt is your fashionable movie theater in Paris: jazz concerts, ciné-philo, you can even find a restaurant and a bar in it.

Thanks to its elaborate menu and its three screening rooms, the theater can provide the customers with everything they need to spend a great evening.

Hipsters will love this place because of its chill yet refined atmosphere.

The little extra: a restaurant within the theater and the boho chic ambiance.

Price: from €5 to €8.50

Website (in French)


La Géode

26 avenue Corentin Cariou, 75019 Paris

Photo credits: Guilhem Vellut under Creative Commons 2.0

The round shape of this movie theater is made to blow your mind.

With a screen larger than the human field of vision, live a unique sensory experience.

Located in the Parc de La Villette, the Géode is the place to be for movie fans wanting to broaden their horizons.

Come and discover the secrets of the blue planet on a hemispherical screen of 1,000 square meters, the documentary lovers are going to be satisfied.

The little extra: an immersive and unique experience.

Price: from €9 to €12

Website (in French)

Update 19/06/2024: La Géode has been closed since November 30, 2018 for renovations.

The reopening should take place in 2024 or early 2025.