The Worst Tourist Mistakes in Paris According to Locals

You think you know everything about Paris? Yet, Parisans roll their eyes at your tourist mistakes. Discover these common blunders that make the City of Light’s inhabitants smile (or sigh).


1. Queueing for “famous” establishments that are not worth it

angelina Paris
The continuous queue of Angelina Paris. Is it really worth it? (Photo credits: DG Jones via VisualHunt)

Waiting hours for a hot chocolate at Angelina? Not exactly a great idea, especially considering the long queue. The taste doesn’t justify the never-ending waitfor an Instagram picture.

And what’s there to say about the Café de Flore? Of course, it’s emblematic, but the exorbitant prices aren’t worth it. It’s way too expensive for what it is.


2. Eating near tourist attractions

One of the worst mistakes you can make in Paris is choosing to eat in restaurants near the main tourist attractions.

These establishments are often expensive and the food quality isn’t up to par.

For an authentic and tasty culinary experience, get away from the tourist traps and explore the small alleys where the local bistros are.

This can also be an opportunity for you to discover other lesser-known tourist attractions.


3. Not saying hello, please, and thank you


Politeness is essential in France. Forgetting to say “Hello” (Bonjour), “Please” (S’il vous plaît), and “Thank you” (Merci), can be perceived as a lack of respect.

These simple words can make a huge difference in your interactions with Parisians.


4. Wanting to do everything in just a few days

Paris is a huge city that’s rich in history, culture and art. Trying to see everything in only a few days is a common mistake.

Make sure you have enough time to visit the city at a relaxed pace.

Take the time to stroll through the districts, visit the museums, and savor the local gastronomy.

If your stay is short, select a few key attractions instead of trying to see everything.


5. Not having cash in euros on you

Even though most establishments in Paris take credit cards, it is always wise to carry a bit of cash on you.

Some small shops, markets, and cafés only accept cash.

On top of that, having change can be useful for tips, or for unexpected expenses.


6. Having too much cash on you


It’s useless to walk in Paris or take the metro with EUR 2,000 in cash in your handbag. In case you lose it or it gets stolen… ouch!

Also, try to avoid big bills of EUR 500, 200, 100, because small shops often don’t have enough change to make up the difference.

Even EUR 50 bills can be hard to use sometimes.


7. Playing the bonneteau

bonneteau in Paris
On top of it being illegal, you will never win the bonneteau game (Photo credits: DeGust via

The bonneteau is a scam game commonly practiced in tourist areas of the city.

It’s a fraud game where an operator handles 3 cards (or 3 cups and a little ball) to fool the participants about the location of a specific card or ball.

Don’t fall for this and distance yourself from groups of people who play this game in the streets. They make you believe you can win but in the end you lose. And you risk losing a lot.


8. Visiting the wrong districts

Every district in Paris has its own charm, but not all of them are equal in terms of security and tourist interest.

Some districts are less safe or less interesting for tourists.

It is recommended to avoid districts like the 19th and the 20th, especially around some areas such as Barbès and Porte de Bagnolet. Those places can be less welcoming to visitors.

Opt for districts renowned for their ambiance, like the Marais, Montmartre, the Latin Quarter, or even Saint-Germain-des-Prés, for a safer and more enjoyable Parisian experience.


9. Visit monuments during peak hours

queue for Le Louvre

Parisian monuments like the Eiffel Tower, le Louvre, or Notre-Dame can be extremely crowded during peak hours.

To avoid long queues and fully enjoy your visit, try to go early in the morning or at the end of the day.

Booking your tickets in advance can also save you time.


10. Walking phone in hand

Walking in the streets of Paris with your phone in hand can attract pickpockets and other thieves.

Don’t tempt them and keep your valuable items safe by staying alert, especially in highly frequented areas like metro stations and tourist attractions.

Use a physical map or a GPS discreetly to avoid being an easy target.


11. Not booking restaurants in advance

Paris overflows with renowned and often very popular restaurants. Not booking in advance can result in long wait times or even refusal at the entrance.

Get into the habit of booking your table in advance, especially for popular establishments, to make sure you have a table and fully enjoy the Parisian cuisine.


12. Not letting people pass on escalators

escalators in Paris
Sorryyyy, make way!

A classic among the tourist mistakes: standing still on the left side of the escalators.

In Paris, the rule is simple: stay on the right if you’re not moving and leave the left lane free for those who want to go up or down faster.

Blocking the way can quickly irritate the rushed Parisians.