Hotels in Franche Comté

About this region

Book your hotel in Franche-Comté with France Hotel Guide. Coming to Franche-Comté for a business trip or for pleasure? We have a large choice of hotels at the best price in Besançon, Belfort, Dole, Lons-le-Saunier, Montbéliard, Vesoul and all over Franche-Comté.

Feel like a break of fresh air in a fir forest or sitting on the bank of a natural lake? With two moutain chains, the Vosges and the Jura, offers plenty to do for mountain-bikers, cross-country skiing or even mushing. And with more than 80 lakes in Franche-Comté, you will be able to have swim at dusk in the summer time. Franche-Comté can also be pride of its rich heritage. Besançon, Franche-Comté's capital, along the Doubs river, has many 16th-century dwellings whose façaces are animated by pediments. Belfort, a town with fortifications built by Vauban from 1689, houses inside the bulwarks the Art and History Museum and the famous Lion from Bartholdi. Along the roads of Franche-Comté, you can admire typical steeples made of white iron with so-called imperialistic shapes. And if all this made you hungry, a little bit of Comté cheese embellished by a Côtes du Jura glass of wine will soothe you as you deserve!

Departments in Franche Comté

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