Tourist Information
In 1767, the Marquis of Marigny wanted to give the King's Actors their own theatre. Two architects, Marie-Joseph Peyre and Charles de Wailly, were entrusted with the construction of this theatre, which would be the first monument-theatre in Paris. The Theatre de l'Odéon was inaugurated on 9 April 1782 by Marie-Antoinette, who decreed that it should be a public place open to all. It was the first time the public had seen an Italian-style auditorium with benches in the stalls. The Théâtre de l'Odéon was the temple of Dramatic Art where the great classics of the day were performed. Beaumarchais's Marriage de Figaro was the opening performance at the theatre, and its success promised a great future for the Théâtre de l'Odéon. Today, it is one of the 5 national theatres in France.